Pellegrini wins Slovakia presidential election

Presidential candidate and Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini smiles in front of media representatives during the second round of the 2024 Slovakia presidential election. Social democratic parliamentary speaker Peter Pellegrini looked set to win the decisive second round of the presidential election in Slovakia. Šálek Václav/CTK/dpa

Social democratic parliamentary speaker Peter Pellegrini has won the decisive second round of the presidential election in Slovakia.

With 99.8% of constituencies counted, Pellegrini was clearly ahead of liberal former foreign minister Ivan Korčok, who received just under 47% of the vote, the electoral commission has reported.

Polls and initial partial results had suggested a closer result. The official final result should be available by midday (1000 GMT) on Sunday at the latest.

Korčok conceded defeat to journalists in Bratislava and congratulated Pellegrini on his victory. He was "disappointed and disillusioned," news agency TASR quoted the former foreign minister as saying.

According to preliminary figures, voter turnout was just under 60%, which was significantly higher than the 52% recorded in the first round of voting on March 23.

Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini casts his vote during the second round of the 2024 Slovakia presidential election. Pavel Neubauer/TASR/dpa
Members of the precinct election commission count the votes after the second round of the 2024 Slovakia presidential election. Milan Drozd/TASR/dpa

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