Russian nuclear fuel ship detained in German port

Russian nuclear fuel ship detained in German port (photo: Getty Images)

In the seaport of Rostock in Germany, the Atlantic Navigator II ship, on board of which enriched uranium was found, is docked.

According to the newspaper, the ship has been at the international port for more than three weeks and has not been able to leave. It is a Russian vessel carrying goods that violate EU sanctions.

Reportedly, the ship is carrying birch wood and enriched uranium for nuclear power plants in the United States. These goods are on the EU sanctions lists and therefore cannot be shipped from Rostock.

It is known that the vessel departed from St. Petersburg and was not supposed to call at the port of Rostock. However, an engine failure forced the vessel to make an unscheduled repair stop in Rostock. Customs found goods that were subject to EU sanctions because of Russia's attack on Ukraine and banned the ship from continuing its journey.

Russia continues to circumvent sanctions

Politico recently reported that despite the sanctions on Russian oil, the aggressor country earned €1 billion from fuel purchases by the European Union in 2023.

The media also reported that the Italian company Beretta is still importing small arms to Russia through its subsidiary and the companies of arms baron Mikhail Khubutia.

The Czech Republic stated that Russian special services are still active in Europe, helping to circumvent European Union sanctions.

Earlier it was reported that according to Bloomberg, Russia is buying tens of millions of euros worth of weapons technology from the European Union, despite the sanctions imposed on the Kremlin.

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that at least 49 types of components that Russia does not produce were found in Russian Kinzhals, and at least 53 types of such components were found in Kh-101s. He called for expanding sanctions and ensuring accountability for schemes to circumvent them.