House Freedom Caucus in turmoil over internal war with Trumpworld

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With the 2024 presidential election looming, Donald Trump insiders are feuding with the far-right members of the House Freedom Caucus whose leader endorsed Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) leaving bruised feelings and lingering resentment.

Previously headed up by Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) — both of whom went on to serve as White House chief of staff for the former president — Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) is now at the helm and that has members of Trump's inner circle furious because of his previous endorsement snub.

Add to that, not every member of the caucus is whole-heartedly backing Trump's third bid for the Oval Office which is also straining relations.

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According to a report from the Daily Beast's Reese Gorman and Matt Fuller, "... as Trump prepares himself to take back the White House and Republicans ready for another chaotic administration, the HFC is in one of its most complicated relationships with the leader of the GOP."

The major bone of contention is Good, with Trump senior adviser Chris LaCivita recently vowing, "Bob Good won’t be electable when we get done with him."

According to the Beast report, there is also a faction of advisers around the former president who want to shut out the Freedom Caucus so they have a louder voice when it comes to policy decisions.

“They’ve been elevating the people who aren’t Trump fans, and that’s definitely caught the eye of people at Mar-a-Lago,” one insider admitted, with the Beast report adding, "As with most things in Trump’s orbit of influence, those around the former president look at influencing him as a zero sum game. Ensuring that the Freedom Caucus doesn’t have the same relationship it once had with Trump means others can sway him. In that sense, it’s in the interest of those currently on the inside to lock down access to Trump and make sure those on the outside remain far away."

As for Good's reelection prospects, another Trumpworld insider stated, "Trump wouldn’t care if he lost, which is a big problem for Good. How does the Freedom Caucus chairman oppose Trump in the primary, not get his support, and then expect to lead in a Trump-led Republican party?”

You can read more here.

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