'We're run by a pedophile ring': RFK Jr. fan called out for conspiracy theories on C-SPAN

John McArdle (C-SPAN/screen grab)

A supporter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was called out for repeating conspiracy theories after he claimed pedophiles were secretly running the country.

During the Sunday edition of C-SPAN's Washington Journal, a caller named David said he had recently switched from the Democratic Party to become an independent voter.

"I've been a Democrat for like 35 years and I just recently changed to independent because I realize what's going on in this country," the caller began. "First of all, we're run by a pedophile ring that's just out of control. That's the backbone of America right now."

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C-SPAN host John McArdle tried to get the caller to stick to the topic.

"David, if we could set aside conspiracy theories, if you want to just focus on why you're supporting an independent," the host said.

"Okay," the caller said. "I think Main Street media has just kept the independents out of the ring, especially RFK Jr."

"They're not giving them any airtime and they want to keep the narrative right between the Republicans and Democrats," he added. "And if anybody wants to hear anything that RFK Jr. has to say, all they got to do is look him up and hear what he has to say, because it's not a fair fight if a media is not giving anything to it."

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