Philippe Clement sends James Tavernier 12-word Rangers message after Celtic “mistake”

James Tavernier went through all the emotions of being Rangers captain in 90 minutes against Celtic.

But that’s probably a good way to sum up the 32-year-old right-back’s nine years in Glasgow.

There have been some extraordinary highs for British football’s greatest ever defensive goalscorer (132) but also some crippling lows.

Celtic – against whom Tavernier now has six goals – have always proven a difficult adversary with the Rangers captain’s journey against our Old Firm rivals almost a mirror image of the club’s.

And in that vein, against Celtic once again James Tavernier was central to the story but Rangers manager Philippe Clement wasn’t getting dragged into niceties come full time.

Philippe Clement’s 12-word James Tavernier message

The Rangers boss had a blunt 12 word message for James Tavernier as he was asked about the Rangers captain come full-time.

Whilst Tav would rifle in a perfect top corner pressure penalty to get Rangers back into the game at 2-0, it was the Rangers skipper who was caught short by Daizen Maeda for Celtic’s quickfire opener.

Sleeping on a stray back pass with the Japanese forward eventually tackling the ball into the net, Rangers were behind within seconds.

It’s a moment which Philippe Clement reminded the press of come full time, telling James Tavernier: “I prefer he doesn’t make these mistakes in the first minute also.”

When asked if James Tavernier led by example in the match, Clement responded:

“Yeah but they all leaded by example. It’s difficult I don’t pick only Tav out, because I prefer he doesn’t make these mistakes in the first minute also.

But he showed a personality yes to take the penalty and also to take the penalty in that way. With really big conviction, desire to score the goal and to put the perfect penalty.

It’s not easy and a lot of players break after making a fault like that in the beginning of the game. He has the capacity to switch on again and to be even more hungry to make the difference.”

Rangers captain feels Old Firm pressure

Both Rangers captain James Tavernier and vice-captain Connor Goldson have come in for scrutiny following the 3-3 draw with Celtic.

Both played big roles in Celtic going 2-0 in front and both are under a lot of pressure to deliver at Rangers.

Despite the stats and the numbers for both, and the service both have given for the club, they are also still to find their place in the Ibrox history books in terms of trophies won.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Until that is rectified, both players will continue to be scrutinised and it’s clear that in James Tavernier’s case at least, Philippe Clement knows all too well about his shortcomings and his successes.

This is a big season for the Rangers skipper, who may be tempted by those Saudi millions if he goes another year watching Celtic counterpart Callum McGregor lift the title.

The situation with Tav and Goldson is one of five burning questions still unanswered after the latest Old Firm showdown.