If you’re biting your cheek a lot, it could be your brain trying to send a warning

Biting inside of your cheek accidentally is excruciatingly painful as it is, but it’s worse when you learn the other reasons that could be possibly causing it.

Dr. Renae Sweeney on TikTok has explained different reasons why people bite their cheeks and what can be done to stop the habit.

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Why people bite the insides of their cheeks

According to the doctor, chronic cheek biting is a compulsive behavior known as morsicatio buccarum.

People habituated to biting their cheeks will find white residue in their mouth, which is nothing but excess keratin produced in response to constant trauma to the cheek cells.

It is said to be a “subconscious habit” that’s often linked to “stress, anxiety and even depression.”

Biting your cheeks while eating can also be caused by the alignment of your teeth, which can be regular or accidental. In some instances, you may find yourself doing it out of boredom.

Have you ever woken up to a sensitive cheek? Well, you may have accidentally bit yourself in your sleep, which is yet another common occurrence.


Chronic cheek biting (morsicatio buccarum) is a compulsive behavior that causes an individual to repeatedly bite the inside of the cheek. Cheek biting can happen for a variety of reasons. A person who bites their cheeks may not even realize they are doing so. It may occur as a reaction to stress, anxiety, or boredom. Some people may even bite their cheek in their sleep. Research suggests that some people facing stressful situations may bite their cheeks. A 2019 study discovered an association between cheek biting and individuals with depression. Different at home habits can be used to treat or curb this habit such as, chewing gum, breathing techniques, meditation/mindfulness, eliminating triggers, etc. And if needed professional treatment such as use of an intraoral splint, therapy or medical treatment can be utilized. @Emilie Leyes • Hypnosis #cheek #cheekbiting #morsicationbuccarum #stresshabits #oralconditions #oralhabits

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How to stop it

Regardless of the reason behind cheek biting, it’s important to get it checked as a recurring injury in the same region can lead to ulcers, scars, inflammations, mouth sores, and more.

There are a couple of things you can do to fix the habit. If you’re biting your cheek regularly while eating, consult a dentist and get your jaws or teeth checked. They may suggest different options to fix the alignment.

For those biting their cheek in their sleep, an intraoral splint can be helpful. If your cheek-biting habit is chronic, then don’t hesitate to seek professional help such as seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist to eliminate triggers causing you to indulge in the habit.

If it’s only a subconscious habit, you can use home remedies like chewing gum, breathing techniques, meditation, and mindfulness to reduce the urge to bite your cheek.