'Be mad!' Stormy Daniels denies writing incriminating statement posted by Trump ally

President Donald Trump and adult actress Stormy Daniels, in a 2006 Myspace photo.

Adult film star Stormy Daniels on Sunday was forced to defend herself from claims that she gave a sworn statement indicating she never had an affair with Donald Trump, an event at the heart of the former president's upcoming criminal trial happening in New York.

Early on Sunday, controversial Trump ally Laura Loomer posted the allegation on social media. Loomer has been shouted out by the former president at various rallies, and he frequently shares her reports against his critics on Truth Social.

Loomer has in the past targeted Judge Juan Merchan's daughter, but in this case she turned her sights on Daniels.

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"In her own sworn statement, [Daniels] admits she never had an affair with Donald Trump. People like you are what’s f------ up with our country and its people like you who made me decide I will never believe in forgiveness or grace for idiots, liars, and people who want to destroy my country," Loomer wrote to a critic asking about Trump's purported affair. "May they all rot in hell for eternity if they continue to lie when the truth is known."

But Daniels responded directly, beginning with laughter.

"Buwahaha! A one time 2 min humping because I was cornered doesn't equal an affair but also, that is not a 'sworn statement' and I didn't write it," she said. "People like you give journalists a bad rep. Luckily, I have proof and you just have...idiocracy. Be mad! Thanks for the attention, though."

Another user responded to Loomer, saying about Daniels, "She admitted in court that they never had an affair. What more do you want?"

Daniels responded to that post, too, adding, "I haven't been to court," accompanied by a laughing emoji. Indeed, the trial begins this month.

Another user pointed out that Daniels previously said she was forced to sign the statement, which she said was written by Michael Cohen.

"Exactly! But they don't like to 'check facts'...I have the messages (dated) from that time as well, proving I was made to sign it and that as soon as I was out of that room/safe, I told the truth," Daniels added.

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