Mexico to take arrest of Ecuador's ex-VP in embassy to ICJ on Monday

Mexico will take the irruption of Ecuadorian security forces into its embassy in Quito to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Monday, Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena said.

Security forces in Ecuador on Friday forced their way into the Mexican embassy in Quito and arrested former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas, prompting Mexico to suspend bilateral ties.

Glas, who is wanted for corruption, had been residing for months in Mexico's embassy in the Ecuadorian capital. On Friday, the Mexican Foreign Ministry had announced it would grant him asylum, enraging Ecuador.

"We vehemently condemn this violent intrusion by Ecuador's security personnel into our embassy," Bárcena said as she welcomed staff from the Mexican embassy in Quito and their families back home on Sunday.

"We will go to all the appropriate multilateral, regional and international forums so that this is truly condemned by the entire international community."

In a statement, her ministry said Mexico would go to the ICJ to "denounce the violations of international laws by Ecuador."

The minister praised the embassy staff for "truly defending, including by risking their physical safety, the embassy in Quito."

"You can imagine what it is like to leave your life, to leave a life that you had planned in a country and to just have 48 hours to leave the country, it is a situation of shock," Bárcena said.

"This is something that has never happened in the history of Mexico and, I would say, in the recent history of Latin America, not even in the worst times of dictatorships," she stressed.

Ecuador's presidency said Mexico was violating international agreements, and said that Glas was the subject of an arrest warrant for embezzlement that needed to be acted upon and would not be authorized to leave Ecuador.

Bárcena has accused Mexico of committing a "flagrant and serious violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations" by forcibly entering the Mexican embassy to get Glas.