Ukraine must win: Britain and France warn of cost of not supporting Kyiv

David Cameron (Getty Images)

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne issued a stern warning ahead of their visit to Washington, urging House Speaker Mike Johnson to find a way for Congress to approve a $60 billion military aid package to support Ukraine, according to The Telegraph.

The aggressive Russian war against Ukraine, now in its third year, deeply impacts European and Euro-Atlantic security.

"We are both absolutely clear – Ukraine must win this war. If Ukraine loses, we all lose. The costs of failing to support Ukraine now will be far greater than the costs of repelling Putin," the ministers declared.

The article highlights Britain and France's pride in the support they've provided to Ukraine, ranging from unprecedented sanctions to coordinated deliveries of the long-range missile systems Scalp and Storm Shadow. Just last month, Ukrainian pilots completed training with the Royal Air Force and began training in the Army's aviation and space sector as part of a program to enhance Ukraine's capability to operate modern F-16 fighters.

"But, as discussed during the Paris Conference in February, we must do even more to ensure we defeat Russia. The world is watching – and will judge us if we fail.," the ministers said.

France and Britain will reaffirm their unwavering support for Ukraine at the European Political Community summit in Germany and ensure a productive NATO summit in Washington this summer, the ministers declared.

US assistance

In February, the Senate approved a bill providing nearly $60 billion in aid to Ukraine.

However, House spokesperson Mike Johnson refuses to bring it to the floor for consideration. Consequently, the US has virtually stopped transferring arms to Ukraine for several months. According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, this impacts the situation on the frontlines.

To resume US assistance to Ukraine, both chambers of Congress must support the bill, after which it must be signed by US President Joe Biden.