Russian attacks against Ukraine kill 4, injure 9 over past day

The aftermath of Russian attacks against Zaporizhzhia Oblast on April 7-8, 2024. (Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration)

Russian strikes against Ukraine killed at least four people and injured at least nine over the past day, regional officials said early on April 8.

Russian attacks against Donetsk Oblast on April 7 killed one person in Chasiv Yar and injured one in Yelyzavetivka, Governor Vadym Filashkin reported.

Russia attacked the city of Kharkivaround noon on April 7 with aerial bombs, injuring a 45-year-old man with shrapnel, Governor Oleh Syniehubov reported.

Four women were treated for shock following the attack. Russian forces later struck the city with an S-300 missile, damaging buildings but inflicting no casualties.

In Kherson Oblast, Russian attacks injured three people, Governor Oleksandr Prokudin said. Six houses were damaged, as well as a critical infrastructure site, a shopping center, and other civilian property.

Russian "kamikaze" drones attacked a critical infrastructure facility in Zhytomyr Oblast, the regional military administration said.

The Zviahel City Council reported a "direct threat of air pollution" as a result of the damage, urging residents to stay indoors and close their windows. No casualties were reported.

Zhytomyr Oblast Governor Vitalii Bunechko said later for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that no air pollution has been recorded in the region at the moment, adding that the measures taken by the Zviahel authorities are "preventive."

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In Sumy Oblast, one person was injured in a Russian artillery strike against the Myropillia community, the regional military administration reported.

Russia struck eight settlements in Zaporizhzhia Oblast over the past day, the regional military administration said. Three people were killed and three injured in a Russian rocket attack against the Polohy district, according to the statement.

Overnight drone attack against the Voznesensk district in Mykolaiv Oblast damaged power lines, leaving 14 settlements without power, Governor Vitalii Kim reported, adding that there were no casualties.

In the Odesa districtof Odesa Oblast, Russian drones damaged a transport facility and a gas station but inflicted no casualties, Governor Oleh Kiper said.

Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, and Khmelnytskyi oblasts also came under attack, but no casualties were reported.