Prince Edward and Duchess of Edinburgh step up for King Charles during historic event at Buckingham Palace

Prince Edward and the Duchess of Edinburgh stepped up for King Charles during a landmark royal engagement today.

Edward and his wife Sophie celebrated Anglo-French relations at a ceremony marking the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale.

The royal couple inspected UK and French troops on Buckingham Palace's forecourt during a parade which highlighted the ties between the two nations.

King Charles is not undertaking public-facing duties as he continues treatment for a form of cancer.

Prince Edward and Duchess of Edinburgh

Prince Edward

Queen Camilla, Princess Anne, Edward and Sophie have all stepped up and represented the King at royal engagements since his cancer diagnosis.

Today, Edward and Sophie were joined by the UK Chief of General Staff, the French Chief of the Army Staff and France’s ambassador to the UK at Buckingham Palace.

The historic event marked the first time troops from a non-Commonwealth country took part in the Changing Of the Guards ceremony at the royal residence.

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) stated that the French soldiers were not guarding Buckingham Palace and just taking part in the ceremonial event.

Prince Edward and Duchess of Edinburgh

Major Jamie Drummond-Moray, Officer Commanding F Company Scots Guards, said: "It is an enormous privilege for us to host the French here in London and to play such a significant part in a ceremony that has never happened before with a non-Commonwealth country.

"It really is a monumental occasion and more so given that it is marking 120 years of the strong relationship between the UK with France.

"I think it's a great honour for all our soldiers, and a fantastic day for everyone in France and the UK."

Prince Edward

King Charles

King Charles undertook a royal visit to France alongside Queen Camilla in September 2023.

The King is said to be planning his next overseas tour, with Australia the most likely destination, for later this year.

The tour would include visits to New Zealand and Samoa according to a royal source.