Why don't majority of UK Muslims believe the Hamas slaughter actually happened? ask Kelvin MacKenzie

Whenever I hear of a terrorist outrage in our country I first reflect on how families will deal with the loss (and if they ever will) and then ponder this; What will Muslims make of a bomb killing so many in their name?

And now I know. And it makes shocking reading. The reason the veil has been lifted from my eyes is thanks to a poll, commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society, which shows 39 per cent of the nation’s Muslims don’t believe Hamas slaughtered and raped in the October 7 atrocity and another 38 per cent don’t know – only 24 per cent said Hamas did commit murder and rape on October 7.

In the survey conducted by JL Partners (founded by a former No.10 pollster) it emerged it was the younger and well-educated Muslims who were most likely to believe Hamas did not carry out the mass murder of 1,200 Israelis.

So we can’t even blame the thickos. Why wouldn’t they believe the provable fact that Jews had suffered there worst killing spree since the Holocaust? There was video, there were witnesses. There were detailed reports of the murders in every news outlet from the New York Times to The People’s Daily.

The reality is that they clearly don’t care that Jews died. In fact, more the better. After all it’s the overriding policy of Hamas and Hezbollah that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth.

What other explanation could there be? Bizarrely, there is a clue in another answer they gave. In the poll 41 per cent of Muslims say the Jews have too much power over the media. That is tosh, but what it reveals is a misunderstanding of journalism.

The Muslim population clearly don’t want the reality played out on their news. If a similar slaughter had happened in the UK, and adjusting for the difference in our populations with Israel at 10 million and then us at 70 million, then almost 10,000 of our people would have been wiped out in one night.

Even allowing for our politicians often not showing backbone, I suspect that we would have attacked our enemy with a least the ferociousness of Israel. And they would have had the whole nation behind them.

There were other disturbing aspects of the poll with 52 per cent want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Prophet Mohammed and 32 per cent want to see Sharia law implemented in the country. As you have noted over the last few months the 3.5-4 million Muslims here are already flexing their political muscles in relation to the Gaza war.

They have started their own political party and plan to put up candidates against Starmer at the General Election because he didn’t make a ceasefire party policy. Since the Muslim population continues to grow while the white childbirth continues to fall it is clear they will have a greater say in many areas of the nation.

Most forecasts agree the Muslim population will increase from four million currently. That is a lot of voters and since most Muslims vote Labour you can see that it will be very much in Socialism’s interests to keep them onside.

I can’t believe that Labour would not have called for a ceasefire had there been 13 million Muslims on their case. So I fear for our tiny Jewish population of 250,000. I can see many leaving London because they feel unsafe and I can see many more of our brightest and best leaving the UK entirely.

I know a very successful Jewish businessman who is heading to Dubai with his family as he feels insecure about the future of people with his faith. To my mind that is shocking.

Wouldn’t it be terrible if we had given sanctuary to the Jews who fled the Nazis in the 1940s for those same Jews to flee our nation because they no longer felt safe in the UK in 2024s?

That poll will have done nothing to make Jews feel secure and loved and will have done a lot of harm to inter-religious harmony in Britain. These are dangerous times.