'Trump is scrambling': Biden campaign pounces on rival's attempted abortion pivot

Joe Biden and Donald Trump (AFP)

President Joe Biden's campaign on Monday whacked former President Donald Trump after he attempted to pivot on the issue of abortion by saying that the issue will now be left to individual states.

In a statement issued shortly after Trump's announcement, Biden hammered Trump for once again boasting about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, which has paved the way for states to implement abortion bans that have proven increasingly unpopular with swing voters.

"Trump once said women must be punished for seeking reproductive health care — and he's gotten his wish," Biden said. "Women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to seek permission for the medical attention they need, and left to travel hundreds of miles for health care."

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Biden then pledged that he would sign a law codifying the protections given by Roe should such a law reach his desk, while warning that Trump would certainly sign a law that implemented nationwide abortion restrictions were it passed by a Republican Congress.

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He then hit Trump for trying to wiggle out of being blamed for the overturning of 50 years of precedent when it comes to women's reproductive rights.

"Trump is scrambling," said Biden. "He's worried that since he's the one responsible for overturning Roe the voters will hold him accountable in 2024... As I have said many times since the Dobbs decision, Donald Trump and all those responsible for overturning Roe don't have a clue about the power of women in America. But they are about to find out."

Trump's attempted pivot on abortion, which has disappointed anti-abortion groups, came after he mused about supporting a national law that would ban abortions at 16 weeks or later in a woman's pregnancy.

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