Americans can't get their heads around British supermarket staple

Americans and British people are coming to blows online once again after the latter’s love of meal deal sandwiches was called into question.

Meal deals have been a staple in British culture since Boots Pharmacy originated the practice in the 1980s. In 2024, a refrigerated section for food is a standard inclusion in most supermarkets, grocery stores, and convenience shops.

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The meal deal breaking international relations

As of late, Americans and Brits have been going at it on social media with a passion that hasn’t been seen since the American Revolutionary War. Firstly, we had American bewilderment over what Brits call a crossing guard, followed quickly by a direct comparison between the two nation’s McDonald’s.

The heated saga was initially started by Twitter user Del Walker (@theCarterDel), who penned: “Do people in the US know that English people eat refrigerated freezing COLD sandwiches or pasta for their lunch?”

Of course, refrigerated sandwiches are available in the United States, but the British look to be considerably more passionate about the products. Typically speaking, Brits are able to grab a sandwich, snack, and drink for around $4.

Del’s Tweet has accumulated over 8 million views, 2k retweets, and nearly 1k comments ranging from impassioned to outright angry.

One Brit chimed in with: “They are not frozen. They’d be in a freezer if they were. They are refrigerated because we have quite strict food safety rules. Keeping fresh food refrigerated keeps it in optimal condition until needed. You’ve never used a fridge?”

“Will accept a lot but don’t come for the meal deals. one of the handfuls of positives from the last few decades of Britain,” another scathed.

A return serve from America

Naturally, a horde of Americans jumped to the original poster’s defense, as one person said: “This is what I mean when I say the English are committed to misery.”

It seems like meal deals are prevalent State-side as one person wrote: “These are all over the US as well, but I don’t know a single person that eats them.”