Marjorie Taylor Greene praises Russia for fighting Mike Johnson's 'war on Christianity'

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) at a news conference this month. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) praised Russia while suggesting Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was responsible for a "war on Christianity" in Ukraine.

During an appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast on Monday, Greene was asked about Johnson's plans to provide supplemental funding to Ukraine.

"There's actually going to be a component when he finally releases this bill. What I'm hearing will be about taking the frozen assets of the Russian people, stealing them, seizing them, converting them into dollars and get them to the Ukrainians," Bannon said of Johnson's plans.

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Greene said she had planned to meet with Johnson on Friday but backed out at the last minute.

"Well, I texted him on Friday, and I told him I would not be speaking to him on Friday and that I had to talk to my district and my constituents first at the town hall tonight," she explained.

"He's talking about, you know, confiscating assets from the Russian people just like you said. Well, that's pretty much illegal. They're having a lot of problems with that, and Europe does not want to do it. And that's where most of those assets are."

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"But let's talk about what this really is, Steve, this is a war on Christianity," she continued. "The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians. The Ukrainian government is executing priests. Russia is not doing that."

Greene then praised Russia because "they're not attacking Christianity — as a matter of fact, they seem to be protecting it."

"I'm not praising Vladimir Putin," she later clarified, without giving any more context to her claims.

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