Trump plots criminal probe of Bidens if elected

President Joe Biden in Culver City, California in February 2024 (Creative Commons)

House Republicans' efforts to impeach President Joe Biden have not gone well.

First, the person House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) touted as their star witness against the Bidens, Alexander Smirnov (not to be confused with the figure skater), was arrested for allegedly lying to the FBI. Then, reports alleged that Smirnov was getting his information from Russian intelligence sources.

But according to Axios, former President Donald Trump and his allies are planning a criminal investigation of the Bidens if Trump wins the election in November.

READ MORE:House Republicans explore 'backup options' as Biden impeachment goes nowhere

In a report published on April 8, Axios' Stephen Neukam explains, "Republicans' impeachment probe of President Biden is unraveling because of a lack of evidence — but their work could become the basis for federal investigations and even prosecutions of the Biden family if Donald Trump wins reelection, Axios has learned. Why it matters: Trump has vowed retribution against his enemies if he wins in November."

Neukam adds, "House Republicans have struggled to show Biden has done anything illegal, but people close to Trump are still plotting to use the Justice Department against Biden and his family."

A source described by Neukam as someone "close to the Trump campaign" told Axios, "Everything you have seen from the Biden DOJ, you can expect to see from the Trump DOJ."

Neukam points out that Comer is calling for a criminal investigation of the Bidens should Trump win in November.

READ MORE: 'This is a show': Democrat demands Comer hold 'fake faux' Biden impeachment vote

In a fundraising e-mail, the House Oversight Committee Chairman wrote, "When President Trump returns to the White House, it's critical the new leadership at the DOJ have everything they need to prosecute the Biden Crime Family and deliver swift justice."

Polls released in late March and early April have shown a very close presidential race.

Biden leads Trump nationally by 3 percent in an I&I/TIPP poll released on April 8, but Trump is ahead by 1 percent in an Emerson College poll released four days earlier.

READ MORE: How Fox News set House GOP up for failure in Biden impeachment 'debacle': analysis

Read Axios' full report at this link.

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