Suspect charged over German Reich Citizens coup plot involving Russia

Authorities in Germany have charged a suspected member of the extremist Reich Citizens movement who is accused of supporting a group having planned to sail into Russian territorial waters to secure support for overthrowing the German state.

Prosecutors in Hamburg brought charges against the defendant based in northern Germany for supporting a terrorist group and aiding and abetting the preparation of a highly treasonous undertaking.

If convicted he faces several years in prison.

The 66-year-old is accused of having supported a particular group associated with the Reichs Citizens scene, the so-called Kaiserreichsgruppe (Empire Group), since the beginning of 2022, the Hamburg prosecution authorities said.

The Reich Citizens movement is a loose association of people who do not recognize the state and wish to overthrow the government. The domestic intelligence service estimates that around 23,000 people across Germany were part of the scene in 2022.

The suspect is also to stand trial before the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court for violating the Weapons Act.

According to prosecutors, the Empire Group aims to replace the democratic basic order in Germany with an authoritarian system styled after the constitution of the German Empire from 1871.

Some of its members and supporters planned to enter Russian territorial waters by ship and make contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to secure his military and political support for the establishment of a new state, according to the statement.

The suspect charged on Monday is said to have run several Telegram groups dedicated to the subject of reintroducing the 1871 constitution.

At the beginning of 2022, he was contacted by a member of the Empire Group and then declared his willingness to participate in the coup - including travelling into Russian territorial waters, according to prosecutors.

He also introduced members of his chat groups to the group and took part in several meetings.

The defendant, who was arrested in November, is also accused of having been in possession of a live revolver with over 100 rounds of ammunition and other rifle ammunition.

In January last year, Germany's federal public prosecution brought charges against the suspected masterminds behind the Empire Group at the Koblenz Higher Regional Court, where main proceedings are currently under way.