Helen Campbell, Liberal Democrat candidate for Hertford and Stortford: ‘The deep damage the Tories have done to this country can be turned around’

The main political parties have picked the candidates they hope will be MP for Hertford and Stortford after the next General Election. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has indicated he expects to go to the country “in the second half” of this year. The latest date for a poll is January 28, 2025.

In the meantime, the Indie has invited the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green Party and Reform UK hopefuls to introduce themselves to our readers before the campaign proper begins. Over the coming months, with a column every two or three weeks, they will be trying to connect with the electorate.

Our brief to all five was “not to parrot your party’s national position, but take the opportunity to tell our readers – your voters – about your personal principles” and talk about local, national and international issues. We also included a caution not to ignore “the elephant in the room”, and to address controversies affecting their party openly and honestly.

Cllr Helen Campbell canvassing for the Lib Dems

Cllr Helen Campbell, a Hertfordshire County Council member for St Albans North and the prospective parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, writes...

“I’m often asked what motivates me to go into politics. The answer is simple: I am fed up of seeing people go into politics for the title, the prestige or the connections, promising the earth and delivering nothing.

“Politics for me is about representation, support and offering guidance for my Hertfordshire community.

“The role of an elected official at any level of government is to serve and to represent. It’s a privilege and an honour, and I never forget that.

“I believe that, as a society, we should ensure everyone has a safe place to call home, has access to an education that is right for them and has access to healthcare.

“These basic universal needs are, I firmly believe, the foundation of a functioning and decent society, underpinned by an enabling state, a sustainable economy and a planet that we stop harming.

“I am fed up of people being serially let down and misled whether locally in Bishop’s Stortford and Sawbridgeworth, across Hertfordshire or nationally.

“Many young people in particular are severely disillusioned, as they grapple with climate anxiety, crippling living costs and mental health challenges.

“As a Hertfordshire county councillor since 2021, I am dedicated to working really hard for my residents and I genuinely love what I do.

“Whether assisting a residents’ group with a playground project that benefits hundreds or supporting just one family with a school appeals case, helping improve lives for ordinary people is the ultimate motivation.

“I strive to remind people of the value of having their voices heard and to believe that the mess the Tories have left this country in can be turned around.

“The damage is deep and it’s going to be a huge challenge, but we have to do it for future generations and that’s what drives me.”