Water damage in the Berliner Ensemble theatre estimated in millions

Oliver Reese, artistic director of the Berliner Ensemble, sits in the auditorium of the theater. The Berliner Ensemble theatre estimates the water damage caused to the main auditorium will cost millions of euros to restore. Annette Riedl/dpa

The Berliner Ensemble theatre estimates the water damage caused to the main auditorium will cost millions of euros to restore.

"The shock is still deep throughout the theatre," Artistic Director Oliver Reese said in a statement on Monday.

On Friday, the sprinkler system reportedly sprayed 15,000 litres of water onto the stage and the room below during a performance. The extent to which the equipment - including spotlights and sound equipment - was damaged by the water is currently being investigated.

"According to an initial assessment, it can be assumed that a large amount of equipment was damaged, some of it beyond repair," Reese's statement said.

When and how performances can take place again as part of an emergency plan is currently being examined. "The complete repair of all damage will probably take until the start of the coming season," he added.

It is also not yet clear whether the world premier of Sibylle Berg's new play "RCE" will be able to take place on April 25.

"Every cancelled sold-out performance is of course also a financial disaster. But it is also clear that we absolutely want to play for our audience again as soon as possible," Reese said.