'Extreme juggling act': expert says Trump's financial woes will prompt last resort option

Former President Donald Trump (Photo by Brooks Kraft/ Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump does not want to dip into his own pocket, but with legal fees mounting and bond due dates passed, one expert believes it might be the only play left.

Astead Herndon, host of the New York Times podcast "The Run-Up," appeared on CNN Monday to discuss what he called former President Donald Trump's numerous financial strains.

"This is the person doing an extreme juggling act," Herndon said. "The money has dwindled that he's using to pay with other people's funds — that pocket money has gone away...he might have to dip further into those personal funds to basically be able to pay for the legal expenses coming forward."

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Trump's legal woes include a problematic $175 million bond in his New York City civil fraud trial, legal fees tied to four criminal court cases, a costly election campaign against incumbent President Joe Biden and the plummeting stock prices of his eponymous media company.

Herndon said Monday the presidential campaign cash is "bleeding dry" the funds Trump needs to continue.

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"The Biden campaign is raising so much more money than Donald Trump," Herndon said. "That is because [Trump's] money is tied up in five different places."

Herndon argued Trump's financial difficulties will have both a political and a prosecutorial impact because of the importance of wealth to his persona.

"It's not just the brand that's being affected," Herndon said, "it is actually his ability to actually do the things he wants to do politically and personally."

Watch the full CNN segment below or click the following link here.

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