'One more reason to hate the Jets: NFL Owner slammed for praising Trump's 'compassion'

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump with the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom Woody Johnson and his wife Suzanne Ircha | July 12, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

New York Jets owner Woody Johnson fiercely defended former President Donald Trump in a segment with Fox News' Jesse Watters on Monday.

"I think the world will be a safer, better place [with Trump in office], there'll be less crime," said Johnson, who previously served as Trump's ambassador to the United Kingdom and for months now has been lobbying fellow billionaires to back the former president for another term. "He's extremly compassionate. People don't know that. He's extremely funny. People are starting to appreciate his sense of humor. And he just impressed all of us once again."

Commenters on social media had an earful for Johnson, letting him know they did not in fact feel this was the case — and some of them adding that they didn't care for how he was managing the Jets, either.

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"Bull----," wrote former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL). "Trump is NOT compassionate. Not at all."

"One more reason to hate the @nyjets," replied Nick Proto.

"Pretty obvious why this scion of obscene inherited wealth is one of the most incompetent owners in the history of the NFL," wrote former Republican strategist turned opponent Ron Filipkowski.

"Hard to believe that the New York Jets suck so much…." wrote political consultant Fred Wellman.

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"Woody Johnson is living proof you don't have to be very smart to be rich (he's worth about $5.7B), as long as you are an heir of the Johnson & Johnson," replied X user Mfg guy. "Always easier to inherit it instead of working for it."

"His sense of humor!" wrote Pennsylvania Democratic Party official Matt Stehman. "Like the time he told people to inject bleach and eat horse dewormer and then a million Americans died."

"Yeah," wrote Huffington Post White House correspondent S.V. Dáte. "The sucking up to Putin. The Ukraine extortion. The COVID train wreck. The coup attempt. It was just one laugh riot after another."

"Who are these "people" this bootlicker speaks of?" wrote user Casey Lewis. "Trump wouldn't know compassion if it bit him, and his 'humor' is that of the 12-year-old school bully who liked to throw rocks at cats."

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