Former president of Ecuador hospitalized after collapsing in prison

Ecuador's imprisoned former vice president Jorge Glas has been taken to hospital due to health problems.

The 54-year-old was found in his cell on Monday morning with symptoms of a possible circulatory collapse, Ecuador's prison authority SNAI said in a statement. Glas had refused to eat for the preceding 24 hours, the statement said.

The former vice president was then taken to the naval hospital in the harbour city of Guayaquil. He is said to be stable.

Glas had been sentenced to several years in prison for corruption in 2017 and was released early two years ago. Apparently fearing re-arrest, he fled to the Mexican embassy in Quito in December and asked for asylum there.

On Friday, Ecuadorian security personnel forced their way into the embassy and arrested Glas. Mexico subsequently broke off diplomatic relations with Ecuador.

The actions of the government in Quito were also sharply criticized by other countries in the region and Europe.

Ecuador's presidency said Mexico was violating international agreements, and said that Glas was the subject of an arrest warrant for embezzlement that needed to be acted upon and would not be authorized to leave Ecuador.

Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena has accused Mexico of committing a "flagrant and serious violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations" by forcibly entering the Mexican embassy to get Glas.