Dominik Szoboszlai shares what Steven Gerrard messaged him when he first joined Liverpool

Much was expected of Dominik Szoboszlai when he took Liverpool’s No.8 shirt last summer.

It’s fair to say that the last man to choose to wear the number – Naby Keita – had failed to truly live up to the hype since arriving in 2018.

Keita had been the first man to play with 8 on his back since a certain Steven Gerrard. In hindsight, that was always going to be a tough gig for the Guinean.

Ironically also arriving from RB Leipzig, Szoboszlai had looked better-placed to do Gerrard’s legacy at Anfield justice. And although he’s gone off the boil a little recently, that still remains the case.

The 23-year-old has even previously revealed that he has a tattoo of a quote from Liverpool’s former captain on his arm. It was meant to be. And now, Szoboszlai has admitted that he did also receive a text from Gerrard when his move to the Reds was completed last summer.

Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images

What did Steven Gerrard text Dominik Szoboszlai

Szoboszlai has been speaking to Stadium Astro about the reason behind his decision to take the No.8 shirt at Liverpool.

It’s obviously a big number at any club. But given the way it went for Keita after his decision to succeed Gerrard, you couldn’t have blamed the Hungarian for steering clear of it.

However, Dom is a confident young man. He wasn’t going to let that put him off. Despite that, Gerrard could obviously recognise that Szoboszlai might perhaps need a hand in making life as easy as possible.

As a result, the Liverpool legend sent a text message to his protégé when he signed on the dotted line last summer.

“He just text me if I need any help or anything he can help with in Liverpool, like find houses or whatever, then I could text him,” Szoboszlai explains.

“At the beginning when I signed he just said if I needed anything I should let him know but the club helps me with everything. If I would need anything I would text him!”

Is Szoboszlai doing the No.8 shirt justice

This is a question to which the answer really depends on who you ask. To some, Szoboszlai is still Gerrard incarnate; the midfielder we’ve been missing ever since the Scouser left in 2015.

To others, the Hungary captain has just dropped his standards a little too far since returning from injury in February.

There’s’ no question that Szoboszlai is still a huge player for Liverpool and will be for years to come. But you’re just left wanting a little more from him at the moment. Sunday’s game against Manchester United was more evidence of that. He really should have ended the game with a brace.

He’ll come good again, of that we’re sure. But maybe dropping Gerrard a quick line during this slightly tough period might do him good. Give him a buzz, Dom!