Colorado's MAGA GOP chair gloats over kicking 'fake journalist' out of event

Colorado State Representative Dave Williams at the 2022 Hazlitt Summit hosted by Young Americans for Liberty in Orlando, Florida. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Williams isn't making any apologies for having veteran reporter Sandra Fish booted out of an event.

In fact, he's openly gloating about it.

The Washington Post reports that Williams had Fish, who has been reporting on politics in the state since 1982, kicked out of a recent event in the city of Pueblo on the grounds that her coverage of the party has been "very unfair."

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“We make no apologies for kicking out a fake journalist,” Williams told the Post.

The Colorado GOP chairman went on to accuse Fish's employer, the Colorado Sun, of being "an extension of the Democrat Party’s PR efforts."

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The Post points to some of Fish's recent reporting that may have rankled Williams, particularly a story she wrote about how the state party funded mailers that criticized a fellow Republican who was running against Williams in a congressional primary.

Fish tells the Post that she went to the event after being warned in an email that she would not be welcome there.

When she got there, Fish said, "they gave me a press pass" but then said that "the assembly was about to start, and some of the security staff at the event came up and said I needed to leave.”

Fish tried to ask what about her reporting was unfair, and she was told to get out. Eventually, security escorted her out of the building.

The Colorado chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists denounced the move from the Colorado GOP, which it said “represents a hostile disregard for the fundamental standards of transparency, accountability and press freedom.”

Even some Colorado Republicans criticized the move, as Republican state Rep. Matt Soper argued that his party "shouldn't be ejecting reporters" from meetings.

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