Palestine denies reports of UK envoy Zomlot's dismissal

ThePalestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied reports that the Palestinian ambassador to the UK, Hosam Zomlot, has been dismissed.

The ministry confirmed there was no truth to the reports that the ambassador was to be replaced also said they have a right to legally pursue those spreading rumours.

The statement comes after now debunked rumours that Ambassador Zomlot had been dismissed after he allegedly gave unapproved media interviews in Jordan or Qatar.

Sources who spoke to Arabi21 in London also confirmed there was no truth to the statements and that he remains in his position.

Zomlot has garnered a great deal of attention since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza, regularly highlighting Israel’s attacks on civilians, including his own family members.

In February, Zomlot appeared on BBC News where he said that Israel is "addicted to ethnic cleansing" and called for an end to arming Israel and shielding it from accountability.

He has also called for a ceasefire and warned against an Israeli ground invasion of Rafah, where 1.4 million Palestinians are sheltering.

“The UK's continued
rejection of an immediate ceasefire is strategically ill- advised and morally indefensible.
Conventional military wisdom is clear: political solutions stop conflict, free hostages and protect
innocent civilians. Aerial bombardment does not. The longer violence…

— Husam Zomlot (@hzomlot)

"The UK’s continued rejection of an immediate ceasefire is strategically ill-advised and morally indefensible…there must be a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire now, so we can begin the difficult journey of healing, rebuilding and resolution," he posted on X in December.

The Palestinian embassy in London has previously said that it has been the subject to attacks in recent months, criticising the UK government's inaction over the incidents.

The mission said it was attacked in November, adding that it was the fourth of its kind recent weeks.

Embassy staff have also received death threats, while attackers have repeatedly vandalised and damaged property and vehicles.

© Al-Araby Al-Jadeed