Nancy Pelosi needles media for helping 'stupid' Trump get away with lies


Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) mocked her political archenemy Donald Trump for choosing to embrace a political issue that has cost Republicans in election after election for nearly two years.

The former president had previously signaled he's willing to support a national abortion ban but then issued a falsehood-riddled statement on the topic that inflamed liberals and angered anti-abortion conservatives on Monday.

This prompted Pelosi to ridicule the former president's intelligence and principles in an especially feisty appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

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"The issue about a women's right to choose, it's a democracy issue, this is about freedom, freedom of women to make their -- families to make their decisions," Pelosi said. "So when what's-his-name said what he said [Monday], he either is stupid or he thinks the rest of us are stupid because he takes great pride in overturning Roe v. Wade, great pride in it."

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Trump stopped short of calling for a national abortion ban, which he reportedly supports up to 15 weeks, and stated that the issue should be decided by state legislatures, but Pelosi said his position was essentially meaningless because he has no real understanding or opinion on the topic.

"The way the press wrote it up just cracked me up because it said, 'Donald Trump believes that states' -- he doesn't believe anything," Pelosi said. "He believes in his political survival, and that's what he is trying to accommodate. But you can't be a little bit pro-life. You are there or you're not there, and people see that, so he may have outsmarted -- well, I hate to say outsmarted because that doesn't seem to apply. But why would the press say he believes? He doesn't believe anything."

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