Olympic Rings for Paris Games to be mounted on Eiffel Tower

The Olympic rings will be displayed on the iconic Eiffel Tower for this summer's Paris Games, organizers said on Tuesday.

The 29 metres wide and 15m high rings structure is to be mounted from the end of April 60m up the 330m landmark on the side overlooking the River Seine. It is made of French steel and to be illuminated at night.

The announcement comes ahead of the April 16 lighting of the Olympic Flame in Ancient Olympia, Greece, and the 100 day mark until the July 26-August 11 Games the following day.

At the opening ceremony the parade of nations will see athletes travelling on boats on the Seine through Paris to the Eiffel Tower.

Olympic beach volleyball will take place in the adjacent Champ de Mars public park, and the Trocadero area opposite the tower will be a Champions Park for the Games.

The medals for the Olympics and Paralympics pay tribute to the Eiffel Tower built for the 1889 World's fair as well. They include pieces of iron from the landmark which is also displayed on the backside.

The Olympic rings are often featured prominently in host cities, such as at Tower Bridge in London 2012 and Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2000.