Southwell Rugby Club plays host to two of its teams in Nottinghamshire achieving one win and one loss

With the club’s 2nds side on the road, spectators flocked to Southwell Rugby Club to watch both the 1sts and 3rds in action.

A sunny day provided entertaining rugby as some fans sat near the clubhouse at the top of the hill to view both games at once.

Southwell 1sts endured a tough match against a strong and fast Belgrave side who won by 28-10.

The visitors were able to spread the ball wide on a number of occasions and use their forwards to gain ground.

The 3rds, known as The Bandits stole a 33-31 win over nearby rivals Newark 3rds in what was a tough and close match.

The Newark side were fast on the counter attack and dangerous but Southwell’s ability to keep the ball down the Newark end for long periods paid off in their victory.

Captain Malc Hazard and his team managed to give home fans something to cheer about at Park Lane.

Away from home Southwell 2nds went down 21-12 against hosts Ashbourne.