Four arrests after suspected gang rape on Mallorca

A woman has allegedly been raped by several tourists on Mallorca, with four male holidaymakers from Italy detained as suspects on Sunday at Playa de Palma, the police on the Spanish Mediterranean island announced on Tuesday.

The judiciary has ordered pre-trial detention for the four detainees.

According to the police, one of the holidaymakers met the young woman in a restaurant in Palma. They went together to the Italians' holiday flat on the beach. There, they initially had consensual sex. The man's three friends then allegedly raped the woman.

The alleged victim - a young Brazilian woman, according to media reports - was able to escape shortly afterwards in the early hours of Sunday morning.

During her escape, she took one of the holidaymakers' ID cards with her. She filed a complaint with the police, who arrested the four men shortly before they returned home.

Last year, cases of gang rape on Mallorca made the headlines. Four holidaymakers from Germany are currently still in custody in Palma for allegedly raping a German holidaymaker in July 2023.

In August, the police arrested a French-speaking group of holidaymakers who allegedly assaulted a British tourist in Magaluf, west of Palma.