5 States Join Florida AG Ashley Moody In Lawsuit Against Biden For Student Loan Plan

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (File)

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, along with a coalition of five other state attorneys general, filed a lawsuit Tuesday targeting the Biden administration's student loan plan.

The case concerns the federal government's "SAVE" Plan, which will cost Americans $475 billion—$45 billion more than its previous student loan plan.

“Last year, the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s illegal attempt to force Americans to pay off someone else’s debt. Now, Biden thumbs his nose at the court like he has done with so many issues, including immigration, and does what he wants, trying again to mass-cancel student debt. We will fight in court to make sure that hard-working Americans, who are struggling to buy groceries thanks to Biden, are not on the hook for other people’s debt," said Moody.

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In the suit, Attorney General Moody and the coalition assert, “Just last year, the Supreme Court struck down an attempt by the President to force teachers, truckers, and farmers to pay for the student loan debt of other Americans—to the enormous tune of $430 billion. In striking down that attempt, the Court declared that the President cannot ‘unilaterally alter large sections of the American economy.’ Undeterred, the President is at it again, even bragging that ‘the Supreme Court blocked it. They blocked it. But that didn’t stop me.’”

The attorneys general note, “Yet again, the President is unilaterally trying to impose an extraordinarily expensive and controversial policy that he could not get through Congress. This latest attempt to sidestep the Constitution is only the most recent instance in a long but troubling pattern of the President relying on innocuous language from decades-old statutes to impose drastic, costly policy changes on the American people without their consent.”

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The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of a previous challenge to the Biden administration’s unilateral and unlawful wealth transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt. In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS struck down Biden’s repayment plan as unconstitutional, citing the massive $430 billion-plus impact on the federal budget without express authority from Congress.

Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, and Oklahoma's attorneys general joined Attorney General Moody in filing this suit.

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