Ukraine has plan for counteroffensive, but for this, we need weapons - Zelenskyy

Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)

Ukraine has developed a plan for a counteroffensive. A necessary condition for this is the availability of weapons, stated President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Bild.

The head of state expressed confidence that Ukraine can still defeat Russia. For this, it needs modern weapons.

"Yes, Russia has more people, more weapons. But the West has modern weapon systems. Therefore, we will get certain technologies," emphasized Zelenskyy.

According to him, if Ukraine continues to increase production and obtains licenses from partners, then "the issue will not be the number of people, but the quality of weapons."

The head of state also touched upon the topic of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

"Yes, we have a plan for a counteroffensive," he stressed, adding that Ukraine needs weapons, including weapons from the United States.

Counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Back in February, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine would prepare for a new counteroffensive. However, currently our defenders are in a defensive position.

Nevertheless, on March 29, the head of state suggested that the counteroffensive by our defenders could begin as early as this year, under certain conditions.

As of April 6, Zelenskyy emphasized that currently our defenders have enough ammunition only for defense, but not for a counteroffensive.