Zelenskyy on Putin's plans to seize Kharkiv: Doing everything to prevent it

Archive photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin wants to seize Kharkiv, but Ukraine is doing everything possible to prevent this, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The agency notes that Kharkiv has a great symbolic significance, so Putin wanted to seize it. President Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is doing everything possible to prevent this.

"Putin only understands strength. He feels like an animal: if you can't defend yourself, he will destroy even more. His desire is to capture the entire Ukraine," added the President.

Thus, the President of Ukraine said that Putin is ready to destroy everything and is ready to kill many people for the sake of his goal.

"Most people won't escape, so he will kill many of them. How will it be? There will be a lot of blood. There will be many victims, many losses. We are talking about hundreds of thousands," Zelenskyy added, referring to the battles for Kharkiv.

Russia hits Kharkiv and rumors of an offensive on the city

The Russian occupiers continue to regularly shell the city and the region with combined attacks, striking during the day and at night. The regions of the northeastern and eastern parts of the region are particularly dangerous.

As a result, Kharkiv ended the heating season ahead of schedule amid Russia's massive missile attacks. Recently, The Economist published an article on the situation in Kharkiv, citing military sources. The agency noted that Russia aims to turn Kharkiv into a so-called "gray zone," unsuitable for civilian habitation.

Oleh Syniehubov, the head of the regional military administration, said that Russia's plans to seize Kharkiv were known before. Currently, work is ongoing daily to strengthen the city's defense capabilities.