'They make fun of me’: Marjorie Taylor Greene gripes while defending eclipse beliefs

"War Room" screen grab

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took the airwaves Tuesday to complain she'd been unjustly mocked for claiming God punished the east coast with an earthquake and sent a warning with a solar eclipse.

"They most recently mocked my faith and made fun of me saying that 'God is sending us a sign to repent!'" Greene said on the conservative platform Real America's Voice. "I really don't care what they make fun of me about."

Greene was responding to criticism she received after claiming a magnitude 4.8 earthquake that rattled east coast cities from Philadelphia to Boston and Monday's eclipse were signals of God “sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.

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The Georgia Republican faced immediate ridicule, which only spurred her to double down on her theory, again spurring more mockery.

U.S. Navy veteran Jared Ryan Sears later took Greene to task, writing: "So you're doubling down by saying that your God, when forming the universe over 14 billion years ago, planned out that Americans would become more tolerant and accepting of those different than themselves in 2024, something Jesus taught people to do, so God planned a minor New Jersey earthquake and a solar eclipse in order to tell Americans to vote for Trump so that we could usher in an era of hatred, bigotry, and suffering?"

"Yeah that makes your initial tweet better," he added with sarcasm.

On Tuesday, Greene told War Room viewers she stood firm.

"So we're winning this," she told Steve Bannon on his show "War Room". "We're winning the information war, Steve, because we're telling the truth and fighting the right fights and fighting for our country and what our people care about is winning the war against all of these people."

In Greene's view, the American people are clear-eyed and not being bamboozled when she is being corrected left and right.

"The American people are not stupid," she insisted. "And they see through all of their lies. They do not believe any of this garbage."

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