Judge Cannon agrees to protect Trump witness names in federal classified document case

(Photo: Creative commons and FBI exhibit)

Federal Judge Aileen Cannon agreed Tuesday to special counsel Jack Smith's demand that she protect the names of witnesses in Donald Trump's classified documents case, according to court records and reports.

Tuesday's ruling arrives after months of convincing from Smith that she should keep under seal the names of FBI and Secret Service agents serving as witnesses in the Florida case linked to classified documents found stored at Trump's social club Mar-a-Lago, the Washington Post reports.

Cannon first against Smith but then, on Tuesday, agreed to secrecy.

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But Cannon also ruled much of the witness statements can be made public, which the Post characterized as not a complete victory for Smith.

She also took a jab at the special prosecutor in the 24-page ruling.

“The Special Counsel’s request remains sweeping in nature as applied to all potential government witnesses," Cannon wrote. Then added, "The Court is satisfied that the Special Counsel has made an adequate showing on this issue."

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