Israeli army attacks Hezbollah positions in Syria

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) early on Wednesday it has once again attacked positions of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia in Syria.

The army said it attacked military infrastructure which, "based on precise intelligence was used by the Hezbollah terrorist organization on the Syrian front."

The information could not initially be independently verified.

"The IDF holds the Syrian regime accountable for all activities which take place within its territory," the army said.

Israel has been bombing targets in Syria with the goal of hitting personnel from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and pro-Iranian militias, including the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, based there. Israel aims to prevent Iran and its allied militias from expanding their military influence in Syria.

Israeli attacks on Syria have increased since the beginning of the war in Gaza between Israel and Palestinian militant organization Hamas six months ago.

Following an attack on the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus on April 1, the Hezbollah militia said that the attack would have consequences. Iran, which blames Israel for the attack, has also threatened to retaliate. Iran is Hezbollah's biggest supporter.

Hezbollah controls the south of Lebanon on the border with Israel. The militia is also active in Syria. There it fights alongside the government forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Iran and Russia are al-Assad's most important allies in the Syrian civil war.