Speeding drivers among latest Newark area cases at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court

A motorist who drove at 58mph in a 30mph is among the latest cases to have appeared before Nottingham Magistrates’ Court.

Sonny Labrooy, 29, of Jericho Road, Balderton, was fined £500 for the offence, which took place on B6166 Lincoln Road on August 3, 2023.

Labrooy pleaded guilty to speeding and was sentenced during an appearance at the court on March 3.

Nottingham Magistrates' Court.

The Mercedes driver also had six points put on his licence and was ordered to pay costs of £290.

Another speeding driver was sentenced on March 3.

Leah Hutchinson, 20, of Hewers Way, Edwinstowe, pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined £50 and ordered to pay costs of £50.

Citroen driver Hutchinson drove at a speed over 30mph on A6075 Ollerton Road, on July 22, 2023.

Three points were also added to her licence.

A man who failed to comply with a community requirement of a suspended sentence made by Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on September 4, 2023, has had his sentence extended.

Andrew Woolley, 36, of Cherry Holt, Newark, admitted the breach, due to ‘unacceptable behaviour during a planned office appointment’, at the court on March 3.

He had previously been given a sentence of 20 weeks imprisonment suspended for 12 months, which has now been extended to 18 months.

It was due to two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker, criminal damage, two counts of theft from a shop and an assault by beating.

Woolley was also fined £50, and his community requirements removed.