Fire at home in Imperial Way, Ashford after lighter and aerosol can explodes

An aerosol can and lighter exploded setting a bathroom alight and destroying the room.

Firefighters were called to the incident in Imperial Way, Ashford this morning.

Firefighters have warned not to leave flammable items in direct sunlight after a lighter and aerosol can are thought to have exploded after getting too hot at a house in Imperial Way, Ashford. Picture: Kent Fire and Rescue Service

It is understood the blaze was sparked by the items being left on a windowsill and getting too hot in direct sunlight through the window.

Two fire engines were sent to fight the flames inside the house in the Singleton area of the town at about 10.50am.

Crews wore breathing apparatus and used high-pressure jets to battle the fire before extracting smoke using a positive pressure ventilation fan.

They left the scene at about 11.35am, the fire service confirmed.

No injuries were reported.

The room was badly damaged after the fire broke out on the windowsill. Picture: Kent Fire and Rescue Service

A spokesperson said: “It’s believed the fire accidentally started when flammable items, including a lighter and an aerosol, were left on a windowsill in direct sunlight and exploded after getting too hot.

“Following the incident, firefighters are reminding people to keep areas near windows clear of reflective or highly flammable items that could start a fire if they reach a certain temperature or refract sunlight.”