'Will of the people': Trump defends Arizona abortion ban while also opposing it

Donald Trump speaks to the press Thursday, April 10. (RSBN/screen grab)

Former President Donald Trump vowed Wednesday that abortions would return to Arizona after the state's supreme court said a Civil War-era law banning abortion could be enforced.

While speaking to reporters on an airport tarmac in Atlanta, Trump was asked about the court's decision to uphold the 160-year-old law.

Trump disagreed with the decision and promised the law would be "straightened out" because of "states rights."

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"I'm sure the governor and everybody else will bring it back," he insisted. "It will be taken care of, I think, very quickly."

Trump predicted Florida's abortion restrictions would "change also."

"It's all the will of the people!" he exclaimed. "For 52 years, people have wanted to end Roe v. Wade and get it back to the states. We did that. It's an incredible thing. And now the states have it and the states are putting out what they want. It's the will of the people."

"So, Florida is probably going to change," he added. "Arizona's going to definitely change... and you're getting the will of the people. Pretty amazing."

On Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable, marking a significant shift in the state's stance on abortion rights.

The decision sparked a strong response from both sides of the political spectrum, with Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes vowing not to enforce the law and President Joe Biden criticizing the ruling as part of a "cruel" and "extreme agenda."

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