Biden Gets Called Out for Hypocrisy After He Calls Israel's Gaza Strike 'Outrageous'

@DontWalkRUN / X screen shot

Even though the American people have seen innumerable examples of President Joe Biden's bottomless hypocrisy, witnessing it on display is always a breathtaking experience.

From accusing former President Donald Trump of corruption while ignoring the business shenanigans of his nearest and dearest to describing his 2024 challenger as a "threat to democracy" while overseeing the country's descent into a banana republic, Biden either has not been blessed with self-awareness, or he believes Americans are too stupid to recognize his blatant lies.

Foreign heads of state have not been safe from Biden's hypocritical ire, either.

In an interview with Spanish-language broadcaster Univision released on Tuesday, Biden had the gall to criticize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the Israel Defense Force's accidental killing of seven aid workers.

Interviewer Enrique Acevedo noted the "international condemnation after the death of World Central Kitchen aid workers during an Israeli airstrike" and asked Biden if Netanyahu is "more concerned about his political survival than he is [about] the national interest of his people."

In response, Biden said, "I don't agree with his approach. I think it's outrageous that those four, three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out."

For context, a video uploaded to X included Biden's comments as well as footage from a fateful day in the United States' disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan: Aug. 29, 2021.