Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report

Donald Trump

Associates of former President Donald Trump are now looking to try to find ways to divide voters they fear will back President Joe Biden, by boosting other candidates and wedge issues in the Democratic Party.

"They plan to promote the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a 'champion for choice' to give voters for whom abortion is a top issue — and who also don’t like Mr. Biden — another option on the ballot," according to The New York Times which cited an anonymous source.

The Trump team is also planning to promote expected Green Party candidate Jill Stein in key states in an effort to split the Democratic Party's potential vote, the report said.

Meanwhile, they also plan to try to encourage Muslim voters' resentment over the war in Gaza, according to the report.

"Trump allies are discussing running ads in Dearborn, Mich., and other parts of the state with large Muslim populations that would thank Mr. Biden for standing with Israel, according to three people familiar with the effort, which is expected to be led by an outside group unaffiliated with the Trump campaign."

And additionally, Scott Presler, a far-right activist connected to January 6 who was considered by Lara Trump for a position at the Republican National Committee, "Publicly reached out on social media to Ms. Stein and Cornel West, a left-wing academic who is running for president as an independent, to offer his help in collecting signatures to get them on the ballot."

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A recent report indicated some members of Trump's circle are increasingly unsure that Kennedy in particular, an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who recently spoke in support of imprisoned January 6 defendants, will pull more votes from Biden than from Trump himself.

But the overlap between the efforts to re-elect Trump and promote Kennedy have become clear, the report continued.

"Timothy Mellon, the largest single donor to Mr. Kennedy’s biggest super PAC, is also the largest backer of MAGA Inc." it stated.

"Mr. Mellon, a reclusive billionaire from one of America’s wealthiest families, has over the past year given the Kennedy super PAC $20 million and the Trump super PAC $15 million, as of the most recent disclosures that were filed in March. Another prominent Kennedy backer is Patrick Byrne, the former chief executive of who worked with Mr. Trump on his effort to overturn the 2020 election."

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