'I'm out': Former Trump campaign staffer says ex-president has 'lost her vote'

Donald Trump frowning

"I'm out," said Donald Trump's former campaign staffer on Wednesday.

Lizzie Marbach, a former director of communications at Ohio Right to Life who also worked for the Ohio GOP and Trump's 2020 campaign, said the former president recently took things a step too far and failed to earn her vote.

Marbach specifically pointed to a CSPAN video showing Trump suggesting Arizona went "too far" in enacting a law that essentially outlaws abortion.

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"Did Arizona go too far?" the reporter says. Trump then replies, "Yeah, they did. That'll be straightened out. As you know it's all about state's rights. It'll be straightened out. I'm sure that the governor and everybody else are going bring it back to within reason."

Marbach was not impressed.

"This is it. I’m out," she said Wednesday. "Trump has officiallylost my vote. No sincere Christians can vote for Trump while he is now openly [and] boldly advocating for abortion. This is not a matter of Christian liberty anymore. It’s sinful to vote for the man."

She also tagged her former boss in a post that reads, "Child sacrifice is not something Christians can compromise on."

In a separate post, Marbach added, "It’s not about politics. This has gone too far. There is no amount of 'lesser of two evils' speeches that could ever make me vote for someone pro-child sacrifice."

She received pushback from her followers, and one social media user shared her statement and wrote, "This is what happens when you let women vote."

But Marbach stood by her statements, later saying, "Idk if you guys know this, but politicians have to earn votes. They aren’t entitled to them."

"Christ is king, not Trump," she said. "Which means when he crosses the line [and] spits on God, we should call him out every time. Spread the word."

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