Revealed: Trump county chair is reportedly an ex-cop who threatened to kill his boss' wife

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A New Hampshire county chair for the Trump campaign allegedly made rape and murder threats in a workplace dispute over purported sexual misconduct while he was serving as a police officer in the town of Claremont.

According to S.V. Dáte for the Huffington Post, Jonathan Stone, who also serves as a representative in the New Hampshire State House, first met Trump on the campaign trail in 2016, where he gave him an inscribed AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle.

However, he reported, "At that point, it had been a decade since Stone had lost his job with the Claremont Police Department, which agreed to a settlement negotiated by the local police union that kept the investigative records secret. The documents were ordered to be released last week by the New Hampshire Supreme Court in a lawsuit by a local newspaper over Stone’s objections."

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According to the newly revealed records, the Claremont Police Department discovered in 2006 that Stone was sexually involved with a 16-year-old girl, at which point they suspended him for five days and ordered him to cease contact with her. At this point, "Stone, who, according to the files, had already displayed a temper, began telling co-workers about his plans for violence."

“That conversation included discussion about backing a truck up to the back door, kicking the door open and going on a shooting spree. While Jon was under investigation for something, he said he was going to tie up the chief, make the chief watch him as he pillages the chief’s wife and children,” said one co-worker. A detective also disclosed to investigators, “I recall Jon saying he was going to go to the chief’s house and rape the chief’s wife, and kids, and shoot the chief.”

The Trump campaign chair in New Hampshire, Stephen Stepanek, reportedly said that he had no idea about this troubled past until it was reported in local papers — and that they have yet to determine whether Stone will be allowed to keep working for the campaign.

This incident is not a one-off. In 2022, former Trump campaign aide Ruben Verastigui was sentenced to 12 years in prison for possessing child pornography after he was caught openly fantasizing online about killing children and infants. And in 2017, Tim Nolan, a county-level Trump campaign chair in Kentucky, was hit with over a dozen felony charges including rape and human trafficking, and ultimately took a plea that landed him in prison for 20 years.

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