Mayorkas Takes Fall For Biden Border Failures During Full Day Congressional Beatdown

Lawmakers grilled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during Tuesday’s House and Senate hearings on the Biden administration’s failed border security policies.

Republican House and Senate Appropriations Committee members pressed Mayorkas on the White House’s lack of action to secure the border despite yearly department budget increases and Biden’s executive authority to end the border crisis.

“For over three years, we have seen skyrocketing illegal immigration at our borders. And every corner of the country can see and feel its impact,” said Republican Ohio Rep. Dave Joyce in his opening statement. “The American people know that the border is not secure; it is a full-blown crisis that this Administration has sought to downplay for years. While recently, their messaging has changed as the 2024 election nears; this budget shows those are just empty words. This request is not serious if the goal is to fix the problem and secure the border.”

“Border security operators have been clear – without quick and decisive consequences, the illegal flow will continue unabated. The daily number of migrant encounters is still well above 5,000 a day, despite every single policy this Administration has tried. The President implemented many of the policies that have contributed to this crisis with the stroke of a pen, and he could reverse them if he so chooses,” continued Joyce.

Republican Texas Rep. Michael Cloud asked Mayorkas if “Congress has removed any authority of the president to secure the border.”

As Mayorkas began to respond, Cloud accused Mayorkas of “filibustering” the question. Cloud pointed out that Biden has full authority to solve the border crisis, and yet the Administration has done “everything to undermine the border.

While alluding to Biden’s persistent refusal to admit the gravity of the border crisis during his first three years of presidency, Republican Iowa Rep. Ashley Hinson criticized Mayorkas for “dancing around calling the crisis at the southern border a crisis.”

After admitting that there was a crisis at the border, Mayorkas defended the administration’s efforts to secure it.

During the Senate hearing, Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy scolded congressional Democrats and the Biden administration for ignoring the influx of illegal immigrants through the US southern border.

“Senate Democrats may try to dismiss the impeachment charges against you, but they can’t sweep the Biden’s border crisis under the rug—not even a rug as big as the United States of America,” said Kennedy.

The House of Representatives impeached Mayorkas in February, and the Senate is scheduled to begin trial proceedings next week.