'He loathes those people': Morning Joe reveals Trump's secret hate for evangelicals

President Trump stands in a prayer circle with faith leaders during a Evangelicals for Trump campaign event in Miami (Photo by Jim Watson for AFP)

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough revealed that Donald Trump has always "hated" the right-wing evangelicals who are now causing him campaign headaches with their push to enact politically unpopular abortion policies.

The former president has been left flailing as the U.S. Supreme Court he shaped reversed abortion rights, unleashing a series of draconian restrictions and costing Republicans in election after election, and the "Morning Joe" host noted the irony of the political predicament in which Trump now found himself.

"Donald Trump, I mean, you know, Donald Trump loathes those people," Scarborough said. "I've been saying it as long as I've known him. He loathes those people, he's always loathed them. He used to mock privately right-wing religious extremists. He hates those people, he always has."

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"That's why when '22 went down, he blamed it on pro-life voters," Scarborough added. "Trump blamed '22 on pro-life voters. He's got no use for them, and so, here, he finds himself in a position where, again, these people are going to determine, you know, whether he gets re-elected or not. He doesn't like it."

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The ex-president issued a statement Monday claiming credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade but stopped short of calling for a national ban, which angered conservative evangelicals, and a day later the Arizona Supreme Court reinstated an 1864 ban that has inflamed so many voters that Republicans – including Trump – are saying that ruling goes too far.

"He's dumb enough to think that's where it's stops – it never stops," Scarborough said. "Give them a little taste of it, and they're going to keep on going. They want more and more and more, more extreme. This is what he did not realize. They'll never be happy."

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