Russians mining agricultural fields in occupied Ukrainian territories

Photo: Russians mine agricultural fields in the occupied Ukrainian territories (illustrative photo by Getty Images)

Russian troops in the temporarily occupied Kherson region are actively mining agricultural land to hold on to the annexed territories, according to the National Resistance Center of Ukraine.

"In order to hold the annexed territories, the enemy increases the area of minefields by mining agricultural lands. In particular, mining takes place on private land plots," the report says.

The National Resistance Center notes that these actions once again endanger the lives of civilians, in particular, the movement of special equipment such as a combine harvester for processing fields.

Citizens of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories were urged to remain vigilant, particularly when traveling by car, especially on dirt roads.

Mined territories of Ukraine

Due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and active hostilities, Ukraine is contaminated with explosive devices. Some analysts call Ukraine the most mined country in the world.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported that more than a quarter of Ukraine's territory is contaminated with mines and explosives. The worst situation remains in the de-occupied regions.

Recently, special equipment exploded in the Kharkiv region during demining operations. No one was injured in the incident.