Former FIFA referee explains why Harry Kane deserved 'a nailed-on red card' v Arsenal

Arsenal’s clash with Bayern Munich on Tuesday was filled with controversy as both sides were let off the hook on several key decisions.

Gabriel Magalhaes may consider himself fortunate to not have given a penalty away after a rookie mistake over a goal kick, whilst Bukayo Saka was left aggrieved that he was not awarded a spot-kick in the final minute.

Harry Kane slammed the decision to not give his side a penalty for Gabriel’s handball error, but he also benefitted from refereeing controversy as he was awarded a yellow card for an elbow to the defender’s face.

Kane expressed his surprise that he even received a yellow card for the challenge, but former Premier League and FIFA referee Keith Hackett has now explained why he should have been sent off.

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Keith Hackett claims Harry Kane should have been sent off against Arsenal

Writing in The Telegraph, Hackett claimed that if Kane had committed the same act of aggression in the Premier League, with his elbow to the Brazilian, he would have been sent off.

“Kane knew exactly what he was doing, as you can tell from his glance back at Gabriel to see where his opponent was positioned. I’m sorry, but as soon as you take your eyes off the ball and play the man, you are asking for trouble,” he explained.

“The elbow is a dangerous area when it comes to officiating, because it can easily be used to inflict considerable damage if used incorrectly. This was a prime example of that where Kane used his elbow as a weapon, and the swinging motion combined with the look back at Gabriel moments before the contact leaves the Bayern Munich striker no defence.”

“It qualifies as a violent action and had he committed the offence in the Premier League, I am sure he would have been sent off. It is a nailed-on red card for me.”

Harry Kane escapes second-leg suspension for Bayern Munich v Arsenal

Photo by Ed Sykes/Sportsphoto/Allstar via Getty Images

If Kane had received his red card, he would have been suspended for Arsenal’s trip to Munich in the second leg of the tie.

This would have been crucial. Kane is still one of the best strikers in the world, and is Bayern’s top goalscorer by some distance.

This one decision may therefore change the landscape of the tie. With the scores all square, it will not be easy for Arsenal to secure a win at the Allianz Arena, but they may have found more joy if the former Tottenham Hotspur striker was rightfully ruled out.