German president urges more respect, and protection, for local mayors

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the "Democracy begins locally" event. Steinmeier will meet with around 80 volunteer mayors in Berlin today. Britta Pedersen/dpa

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called for better protection for local small-town elected officials, noting that many have complained of growing hostility and even physical assaults.

"Democracy begins locally. But democracy is also threatened locally. And we must therefore also defend it locally," Steinmeier on Thursday during an exchange of ideas with town mayors held in Berlin.

People committed to democratic values should not simply shrug their shoulders as local mayors and town councillors start avoiding controversial issues, delete social media accounts or even resign from office in order to protect themselves and their families, Steinmeier said.

Most local politicians in small German villages or towns are unpaid, or earn only a token salary for their work.

Steinmeier called for that voluntary work to be made more compatible with family and career.

A high time commitment and appointments in the evenings and at weekends are a problem for younger men and especially women who are in the middle of their careers and have children.

Steinmeier said he was concerned that in some places the parties were finding it difficult to find enough candidates for the local elections and that sometimes no one was willing to run for mayor.

In a survey of 1,549 town mayors in Germany, 40% reported that they or people close to them had been insulted, threatened or attacked because of their work as mayor. That led 28% to consider resigning from office.

The study was conducted by the Forsa opinion research group on behalf of the Körber Foundation.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks at the "Democracy begins locally" event. Steinmeier will meet with around 80 volunteer mayors in Berlin today. Britta Pedersen/dpa

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