Chatham rapist Brian Royce jailed after being found guilty at Maidstone Crown Court

A rapist has been jailed for 10 years for crimes dating back six years.

Brian Royce denied committing rape and sexual assault between April and May 2018 but was found guilty after a trial at Maidstone Crown Court.

Brian Royce has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Picture: Kent Police

The jury heard how the victim came forward a month after being attacked - telling a friend who then encouraged her to report it to police.

Royce, of Dock Road, Chatham, was arrested and later charged.

The 54-year-old was found guilty on March 20 and handed the decade-long sentence.

His crimes were investigated by detectives Steve Gibbons and Rachel Ford, of Kent Police's rape investigation team.

PC Steve Hammond, who works as part of a team dedicated to the investigation of serious sexual offences, said: “The victim’s courage in coming forward to report her attacker and then give evidence at court is commendable.

“Her assistance to the investigation team was crucial and ensured they recovered sufficient evidence to bring this appalling individual to justice.

“His prison sentence ensures he will not be a danger to women for some years.

“Kent Police takes all allegations of sexual offences seriously and encourages victims of such crimes to report them with confidence, in the knowledge that claims will be investigated thoroughly and sensitively.”