Alex Jones blames O.J.'s death on 'completely made up' conspiracy theory

O.J. Simpson.

In the wake of O.J. Simpson's death from prostate cancer, Alex Jones Thursday suggested a COVID-19 vaccine was to blame, referencing a conspiracy theory of which there is no evidence.

Jones's X post on the subject included a video released during the pandemic that shows Simpson endorsing COVID-19 vaccines and encouraging people to "get your shots."

"Watch OJ Simpson demand you get your COVID Shots," Jones wrote in the post's caption. "Turbo Cancers are off the charts, and we warned you."

Adding commentary to the video was Infowars host Owen Shroyer, who said, "Today, O.J. Simpson dies after a battle with cancer, and of course you'd have to assume that he took the vaccine."

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"So, was O.J. Simpson paid to promote that?" Shroyer asked. "Did O.J. Simpson take the vaccine? Did that lead to him getting a turbo cancer that then killed him just a few short years later? We're all asking the same thing."

Claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause so-called “turbo cancers” have been around for at least two years. Such claims are the recent subject of a USA Today fact check that found no evidence that the vaccines are linked to greater cancer risks.

The theory was popularized by Canadian doctor Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician who was investigated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia for "misleading, incorrect or inflammatory" claims about COVID-19.

Hoffe claimed the vaccines damage the immune system and cause aggressive new cancers.

But according to immunology expert and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Dr. Gigi Gronvall, Hoffe's claims are “completely made up and none of it is true."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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