Meghan Markle's 'List of Demands': Ex-Actress Wants a 'Groveling Apology' From Senior Royals If She Returns to U.K.

Meghan Markle wants 'an apology' from the royals. MEGA

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, has a set of "demands" for the British royal family before she would consider returning as a working senior member of the Crown. Prince Harry is reportedly on board with a "reconciliation" with his family after reportedly stating that he thinks his wife should "be queen."

"Harry would like a reconciliation but supports his wife completely and until she feels that the royal family have been sufficiently nice to her — and grovelingly apologized for the past — it's not going to happen," royal author Tom Quinn dished.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been in a feud with Prince William and Princess Kate 'for years.'MEGA

"There has been a shift here since Kate's illness Harry and Meghan do feel they need to extend an olive branch, but Meghan's sense of grievance is still preventing anything really meaningful [from] happening," he added.

This news comes amid a bombshell report dishing all about the ex-actress' behavior toward her regal in-laws when she worked as a royal from May 2018 to March 2020.

"Every time he had a new girlfriend, the first person that would meet her would be Kate," royal author and Editor-in-Chief of Majesty magazine Ingrid Seward told an outlet. "And then Meghan came into the mix, and it was disruptive. It wasn't like the other girlfriends."

The Duchess of Sussex 'couldn't get past' the 'knowing gaze' of the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.MEGA

"I think that Meghan must have been incredibly envious and then jealous of Kate," she added.

Harry and Meghan started dating during the summer of 2016, and by the fall of 2017, wedding plans were already being mapped out between the military hero prince and supporting actor on Suits. It has been reported that there was immediate "tension" between Prince William, Duchess Kate, and Meghan.

"Kate knew from the start that Meghan was bad news," a former palace courtier during Queen Elizabeth II's reign spilled. "William is also very astute, as he gets that trait from Princess Diana, but he gave Meghan a chance before finding out how she operates."

They continued: "Her late Majesty also figured Meghan out in the first meeting, and Prince Philip grew to despise her very quickly. So it wasn't a matter of 'Meghan duped the royals.' They all knew, but they also knew that she had manipulated Harry like a dog begging for a piece of meat. There was [also at that time] Kate and Harry's concern that there was some kind of underlying attraction between William and Meghan, which was ridiculous on their parts to assume that."

Prince Harry is set to visit Britain on May 8, 2024. MEGA

Amidst this drama, a source spilled: "Harry would love for Archie and Lilibet to have a better relationship with their cousins or even the children of some of his friends. He feels like they have been away from the U.K. for far too long and wants to start building a life here. Not full-time, but a second home they can visit regularly."

Meghan Markle is adamant that the royals 'apologize' to her. MEGA

Sky News Australia reported on Quinn's insights.